Human Rights and Business

Caiazza & Partners is committed to the protection of human rights both in an advisory capacity and in assistance before every judicial instance, including the European Court of Human Rights.
In addition to assisting individuals, Foundations, and Associations in the nonprofit sector, the firm's advisory work is aimed at businesses on the issues of Business & Human Rights Ethics in Business and Corporate Social Responsibility.
Businesses also have a responsibility to respect the human rights of individuals and the communities in which they operate. This principle is recognized in both the EU and international arenas.
In the context of modern economic globalization, businesses risk directly or indirectly violating basic human rights, sometimes even unknowingly.
Areas of specific risk pertain to the production stage and contractual relationships (supply, sale), in labor relations and through their interactions with local authorities.
This type of liability affects all companies, regardless of sector, size, operating environment, ownership and structure. The scope and complexity of the instruments through which the company addresses this responsibility can vary depending on multiple factors and must be in line with the severity of the adverse effect on human rights.
For these needs, both the Business and Human Rights Framework and Guiding Principles for its implementation have been developed by the UN. These tools require the company to complete a Due Diligence of its impact on Human Rights.
Only through proper Human Rights Due Diligence will the company be enabled to operate with full respect for the human rights of its stakeholders and no longer be exposed to significant risks regarding its reputation and to compensatory legal actions.
Caiazza & Partners advises its clients on the proper interpretation of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the application of proper "Human Rights Due Diligence" within various industries and business sectors.
The protection of human rights has become an indispensable aspect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The new CSR policy promoted by the European Commission incorporates the need to integrate issues related to human rights protection within business operations and strategies. Social Responsibility is a factor for growth, stability and, above all, innovation that offers various benefits to the company and is a tool that provides a long-term competitive advantage for the company.
Caiazza & Partners provides advice to companies and business networks, on the preparation of a code of ethical business conduct, which complies with the legislation on the administrative responsibility of companies (Legislative Decree 231/2001), as well as on the preparation of a social balance sheet or sustainability report.